Saturday, May 5, 2007

Dublin day 1

Guinness time! - Dublin Day 1After a difficult time navigating through the airport in Paris and dealing with some snooty french people we finally were on our way to Dublin. Paris was a really amazing experience but overall we just didnt digg the people there. It was a nice short flight over to Dublin and we got a cab over to our hostel next to Temple Bar. We got in a little early so instead of checking in we just dumped our packs off and started to walk around. Now the area we are in is next to trinity college so the majority of the streets were loaded with college students. This made the night life pretty awesome as well. We bought all day tour bus tickets that allow you to jump on and off these busses that take you to all the cool parts of town. Getting driven around and seeing Dublin we definatly all felt the most at home here. Over the last 5 years or so the said they have done alot to clean up the city and that coupled with the college town atmosphere made you feel like you were basically in america. We rode around on the bus for a bit but got off at St. Patricks cathedral to check it out. Now after the churches we saw in Paris, St. Pattys was kinda anti-climactic. It was still very beutiful of course and we were there at a perfect time of day when light hitting the stained glass windows streams down onto the pues so Tyler got some great pics. Next stop on the tour was the GUINNESS FACTORY!!!! We spent the rest of the day there, it was fantastic. At the top of the brewery is a bar with a 360 degree view of dublin so we just kinda chilled up there and had a few beers. we went back to the hostel after that and checked into our room. The rest of the night was spent at Temple Bar which is a very cool place. It had a pretty mixed crowd with alot of older locals but also a good mix from the college students and travelers.

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