Thursday, May 3, 2007

paris day 1

Paris day 1- Today we took a train from amsterdam to paris. the ride was very relaxing but unfortunatly the view you get on a train ride doesnt usually show you the best area's of a country. When we arrived in Paris we took the subway to the wrong stop and ended up wandering through the streets sweating our butts off. It is definetly warmer here by a good amount. We finally checked into our hostel which was a tiny room, dropped our packs and went out for some lunch. We didnt really have an idea of what we wanted to see or where anything was located but Big T took command and we went to the center of the city near Notre Dame. We actually didnt find the church but instead ended up by the leuve which was totally amazing. The building is beautiful and we hung out there and got alot of cool pics. The museum itself was closed though so we did not get to see any of the famous works inside unfortunatly. After seeing the leuve and walking out and seeing the eiffel tower and the famous archs down the road we finally felt like we were in Paris. From there we just chilled and really started to take it in. It's an amazing place with so much history. Once we saw the eiffel tower we started to head in that direction to get some food and some cool night pics. We are gonna save most of them to show you all when we get back but Tyler took some incredible shots. After that we basically just went back to the hotel to crash.

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